Friday, January 7, 2011

GOProud, Ann Coulter and Lamestream Humor

Please help spread the word.  CPAC meets in only 8 more days on February 10-12, 2011.  Please feel free to RT this article on Twitter and/or email to your friends. 

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Dear Friends,

They say that as a gay man, I shouldn't criticize the gay community, especially when it comes to politics.  But as a proud American first, and a gay man second, I feel it is my duty to speak out on matters that affect me first as an American, and secondly as a gay man.  Today, I speak out against recent events concerning GOProud, certain members of their Board of Directors, and GOProud members' recent Twitter activity.

GOProud bills itself as a political action committee to give voice to gay Republican conservatives and their allies.  Their participation at CPAC has drawn fire from many CPAC members who believe GOProud should not have a seat at a politically conservative event.  On one hand, it is encouraging to see at least a few prominent and extremely anti-gay organizations refuse to attend CPAC as a protest, because it means CPAC becomes just a little less virilently anti-gay.  On the other hand, as various members of CPAC continue to decide for themselves whether or not to attend the convention this year, it appears that GOProud has made enemies on both sides of the political aisle; first with conservative Republicans protesting their attendance at CPAC, and now with gay Democrats like myself who oppose their representation of the gay community as a whole.

Personally, I am disheartened and disappointed that after finally repealing DADT, GOProud has taken it upon itself to start a contest on the social networking site, Twitter. 

The contest:  The best "Homo Hamas Tweet" on Twitter, where posters attempt to come up with the most humorous combinations of the gay community and Hamas, an international terrorist organization that has thwarted peace in the Middle East and killed, maimed and continues to imperil thousands of US and allied armed forces for many years now.

The prize:  An Ann Coulter mug or poster. 

With the recent controversy of O. P. Honors' XO homophobic films being broadcast to US military service members aboard the USS Enterprise, and his subsequent demotion for conduct unbecoming an officer, it seems that GOProud would apply a double standard when it comes to political action committees alleging to support the gay community while engaging in the same tomfoolery when it comes to the US military.

Before writing this article, I contacted GOProud directly via Twitter and attempted to encourage them to police themselves in this matter, but to no avail.  So I share now with you what I find so disappointing about their little contest on Twitter, and hope you'll draw your own conclusions on whether you approve of them or not.  I encourage you to direct your comments toward them at their Twitter account at @GOProud with #homohamas in the message so it shows up in the appropriate topic page.

The contest was held on January 6, 2011 wherein members of GOProud were encouraged to present their best and funniest "homohamas" tweets.  I share with you a few that gave me reason to pause:

From various posters:

"Who wouldn't get behind a religion that puts you on your knees 5 times a day!?

"La cage aux fatwah"

"Lady Gaga is TOTES gonna wear a meat burqa to the next awards ceremony."

"I am dying the see the Men of Al-Qaeda singing YMCA & I Will Survive on Karaoke night!"

"This months Advocate cover? Men of Al-Queda"

"Rainbow Flag over Mecca"

"On the cover of JustUsBoys: House Ji-hotties , BelAmi's latest film series "

"Leather Suicide vests, on sale"

"the GOP Queens of the Desert"

"72 Chippendales in Heaven upon death."

"Terrorist pronouncements no longer read by boring old guys on Al Jazeera but by Nathan Lane on the Logo Network!"

"Check out the new pink-camo AK47 with rainbow carry strap!"

"Does he know about our secret plan to to change military uniforms to include pink turbans?"

"Suicide bombers would have made the Stonewall Riots a lot more interesting"

"Suicide Bomb Unit had to be disbanded because not even Allah could guarantee enough gay-male virgins"

"Queer As Fatwa"

"Suicide Bomb Unit gives new meaning to song "It's Raining Men"

"Dude, that boa makes you look fatwah!  but for hiding suicide bombs ... it's FABULOUS"

"tweet contest is hilarious and super gay"

"Idea for name for new Muslim gay bar @ Ground Zero: Ramadan Inn"

"Its raining shrapnel, glitter, and men"

From GOProud's own account:

"Everybody join in our HomoHamas game!...Let's hear your tweets!"

"The HomoHamas tweet contest ends at 12 pm ET. 20 minutes to try to win an Ann Coulter poster or mug!"

""Dirty bombs" hidden in big gay picnic baskets!"

"We just can't wait for the CPAC11 pat-downs!"

"Manicures and pedicures are mandatory at at GOProud terrorist training camps!"

"We're having terrorist drag queens in rainbow burqas at our CPAC11 booth!"

"Rosie and Osama are playing grenade toss out back, while Ellen gives Ahmadinejad a facial."

"Osama just got a makeover on Queer Eye for the Jihad Guy!"

"Bin Laden - The Terrorist Judy Garland!"

"Sunni & Cher"

"The Real Housewives of Tehran!"

"We're here, we're queer, we may be suicide bombers!"

From GOProud's Co-Chair, Chris R. Barron:

"Who knew Sharia law was so Fabulous?!"

"P-town is so passe. This year we're summering in Fallujah!"


As you can see, there are some genuine attempts at humor here.  I don't believe anyone posting these had any intention of offending Muslims, or of putting our brave men and women in uniform in more danger than they are already in.  But when does joking about raining shrapnel, labeling gays as suicide bombers and accusing them of hiding dirty bombs, and being secret terrorist drag queens cross the line from humor into hate speech directed AT the gay community FROM the gay community? 

But here's my real question:  Is this the kind of organization we want representing the gay community at a rabidly anti-gay event such as CPAC?  Is this the kind of organization CPAC wants representing Republicans?  I think the answer to both questions would be a resounding NO.

And here's the real concern I have:  What is it about GOProud members that makes them believe that so soon after the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, and during a time where we have soldiers in harms way that it's okay to joke about either situation?  In light of the recent controversy surrounding the USS Enterprise videos, where does GOProud come off thinking its okay for them to make insensitive comments regarding the armed forces, but not okay for members of the armed forces to make insensitive comments regarding the gay community?

And where is Ann Coulter in all this?  If she is so quick to attend a GOProud fundraiser (for a small fee, of course), why isn't she distancing herself from a group who so clearly has their interests set on simply being disruptive without actually accomplishing anything for conservative Republicans nor the gay community?

Could it be that she's just in it for the money?

Brian Anthony Bowen
Member of the Worldwide Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community
Music Producer, "The Gemini Enterprise: Stellar Trance"
Blogger, "The Gemini Gayzette"
Author of upcoming new book, "The Bed Keeper:  A Biblical Case FOR Gay Marriage"

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