Thursday, January 27, 2011

HOMOCON:GOProud Calls Gay Left "American Taliban"

Please help spread the word.  CPAC meets in only 8 more days on February 10-12, 2011.  Please feel free to RT this article on Twitter and/or email to your friends. 

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Dear Friends,

The upcoming CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) has generated a fair share of controversy regarding the inclusion of GOProud, an American tax exempt 527 organization "claiming to" represent conservative gays, lesbians, transgendered people, and their allies.  But as a gay man, it's honestly difficult to see how they support any issues that benefit gay, lesbian and transgender people, except perhaps in regards to tax breaks for the wealthiest of us.

I'm originally from Missouri, the Show Me State, and honestly, I have a tough time hearing the word "gay" anytime a group aligns itself with the gay community, without expecting to SEE that group support actual gay issues, mostly concerning equality in employment, marriage, and security for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders and our allies.  Clearly a line has been drawn in the sand by Chris R Barron, co-founder and Executive Director of GOProud between the conservatives who happen to be gay, and gays who are fighting for equality.

Ordinarily, it would be easy to dismiss GOProud as just another neo-con group of malcontents who are angry at everything the government stands for, but I also take exception to them pointing to their "uniqueness" as "gay conservatives" and their attempts to paint themselves as not like "those other" gays.  Several recent tweets on Twitter by Chris R Barron has shown him to be little more than a narcissistic attention whore who would sell out his own mother and claim all gays should do the same, just because we're gay.  Recently Chris has demonstrated that he is all too willing to create whatever strife and divisions he can amongst the gay community simply for the sake of creating attention for himself, ala Ann Coulter.  But at least Ann doesn't say "hey, you have to accept this from me, because after all, I'm gay too."  No, she hasn't come out of the closet yet. 

Chris has though, and his attitude toward the gay community, as well as the progress gays have made on the backs of courageous gay people who came before us (and fought and died for equal political representation and legal protection under the law), seems to Chris to be little more than building blocks for his own career as a conservative who finds it possible to be a conservative only if he hates on his fellow gays to (once again), PROVE that he isn't one of "those" gays.  And when it comes to "those" gays who fought for equality in this country, just a few of Chris' recent tweets do indeed prove, that no, he's not one of "those gays", which to me means that no, he's not one of "us."

It would seem that at this point in history when LGBT Freedom fighters in Uganda are being murdered just for being gay, that GOProud and Chris Barron would use their semi-established platforms to denounce the recent murder of David Kato, for example.....but that doesn't get them invited onto CNN or FOX, and those kind of human atrocities only serve to illustrate the massive shortfall between the battle for equality that gays have been giving their very lives for, and the petty money making ponzi scheme that Chris R Barron runs by billing itself as a "gay" organization.  But GOProud isn't a "gay" organization.  It's a "political" one.  It's a "money" one.  It's a "TAX DEDUCTIBLE" one.....but indeed, it's not a "gay" just pretends to be for the attention that the word "gay" gives to any organization in the political arena.

No, GOProud and Chris Barron are not interested in equality, dignity or self respect for gays (or even themselves for that matter).  They are interested only in lining their own wallet by reaching out to the thousands of gay men and women who have been conditioned to believe that whether it's church, family, or politics, the only way they will be accepted as equal is to set themselves apart from those "other gays" any way they can.  Enter Homocon.

Homocon is short for Homosexual Conservatives, a group of wealthy gays who contribute to the conservative cause because to give money to the gay left would be apparently akin to contributing financially to home grown terrorism.  But let's look more closely at some of Chris' own tweets regarding the gay community:

From Jan 26, 2011: ChrisRBarron The gay left = the American Taliban. Hateful, angry and dumb as shit.


ChrisRBarron   Fact: The gay Taliban is one greatest threats facing this country.

So if Chris refers to the majority of the gay community as the "American Taliban" and "the most dangerous group in America" then the truth behind his American 527 tax DEDUCTIBLE income is that neither Chris Barron, nor his idol Andrew Breitbart give a damn about the real issues facing the gay community.  They only care about seeing their names in the press, and do so on the backs of what they now call the "American Taliban."

But there's no need to be alarmed.  I considered not even writing this blog because of the added attention it gives to Chris and his little brood of hypocritical vipers.  But it's important to me that the general gay community know that his homosexual con artists have aligned themselves with the likes of Fox News and Ann Coulter and Andrew Breitbart simply for the sake of the controversy it creates, which translates into more "I can't believe you said that" TV interviews, which translates into more publicity, which then translates into more contributions to Chris' American 527 tax DEDUCTIBLE income.   So in reality, Chris Barron, GOProud and the so called "Gay Conservative Movement" are little more than passing fads.

This my friends, is Homocon:  Conning homosexual people into believing that GOProud is fighting for our interests within conservative political circles while wearing a little red riding hood, collecting money from us, and acting like they're putting together a nice basket of homo goodies for us to enjoy at a great big homo picnic where conservative and liberal gays sit together to sing Kumbaya somewhere over the rainbow, but who later reveal themselves as the big bad wolf in grandma's tired old bed clothes, lying in wait for the next CNN interview.....(emphasis on lying).

Brian Anthony Bowen
Member of the Worldwide Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community
Music Producer, "The Gemini Enterprise: Stellar Trance"
Blogger, "The Gemini Gayzette"
Author of upcoming new book, "The Bed Keeper:  A Biblical Case FOR Gay Marriage"

1 comment:

  1. The Democratic Party and so called "liberals" have for years supported a system of so-called Social Security in which gays are taxed along with everyone else but for decades a gay person's surviving partner and any children of that survivor could not get survivor benefits like everyone else.

    So for decades the Democratic Party's welfare state has been taking what is now over 6% of a working gay's pay check, but giving them unequal benefits.

    Has the gay Left ever addressed that issue?
